Kids Make a Difference | Work Shops


KMD is a platform where kids can teach other kids any skill they know. This can be anything from coding to cooking to playing the guitar. The goal of KMD is to help kids share their knowledge and skills with others, build cultural understanding, and create a more just and equitable world.
To become a mentor on KMD, you first need to create a profile. This includes your name, age, location, and skills. You can also upload a video introducing yourself and your teaching style. Once your profile is approved, students who are interested in learning from you can contact you directly. You can then schedule a Zoom meeting to teach the student your skill. The entire session will be recorded and sent to KMD. The student will then give you a rating and review.
You can teach any skill you know, as long as it is appropriate for kids. Some popular skills include coding, cooking, playing an instrument, speaking a foreign language, and doing arts and crafts.
KMD is free to use for both mentors and students.
KMD is open to kids ages 8-18.
To get started with KMD, simply create a profile on the website. Once your profile is approved, you can start connecting with students who are interested in learning from you.
There are many benefits to being a mentor on KMD. Here are a few:
  1. You can share your knowledge and skills with others.
  2. You can develop your leadership and presentation skills.
  3. You can make a difference in the lives of other kids.
  4. You can get a sense of accomplishment from helping others learn.